Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral

Dale H. Englehardt ~ September 23, 2016


Canadice: Dale H. Englehardt passed away unexpectedly on September 23, 2016 at age 65. Survived by: Dawn M. Robinson (his wife of 38 years), Lucas Englehardt (son, Shanghai, China) and Bess Englehardt (daughter, Portland, ME). His parents are Herbert and Ann Englehardt of Rochester, NY. Brother, Jerry (Sandy) Englehardt of Las Vegas, NV. Sister, Lynn (Larry) Beatty of Holley. Dale was a Certified Financial Planner at Raymond James in Rochester.

At Dale’s request there will be no services. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in the name of Dale, a lifelong educator, may be made to: PUC Achieve Charter School, 14 Mark St. Rochester, NY 14605. Condolences can be sent to:


34 thoughts on “ Dale H. Englehardt ~ September 23, 2016

  1. Dear Englehardt family,

    It is with great sympathy that the passing of Coach Englehardt came at a most difficult time. Coach E was my basketball coach at Wayland Central School. Coach put a lot of time and effort into what he thoroughly enjoyed. He not only taught us the game of basketball but also about becoming a man when we all grew up. I developed a great relationship with Coach E during my time at Wayland but also when I became a teacher/coach myself having running into Coach several times over the past few years. Coach would always take time to ask me how my baseball team was doing always praising me along the way. A good man who will be greatly missed by all who knew him. The last time I saw coach was at a restaurant and he bought me and my friend dinner which we did not know until we noticed he had left. This is the kind of thing Coach would do for people. Thank you Coach for all you did for me. To the Englehardt family, my condolences go out to all of you.

  2. I am deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Mr Englehardt. I was a student of his at ISSH in Tokyo. He was my first ever basketball coach and instilled in me a love of the game. His dedication to his students was something that I remember with fondness. I now have children of a similar age to when I first met him and wish for them that they too have educators that have such a positive impact on their lives as Mr Englehardt did on mine and many of his students. To his family, please know that Mr Englehardt has touched the lives of many around the world. My deepest sympathies to his family and friends, Michelle (Sydney,Australia).

  3. My deepest condolences to the Englehardt family. Mr. Englehardt had a huge impact on my life while I attended ISSH in Tokyo. He was a phenomenal basketball coach and teacher. He was an avid runner and he and my father entered many running events together in Tokyo. They became good friends sharing a mutual interest in sports. My father reached out to Mr Englehardt as I was struggling in my math class at the time and he offered to tutor me. With his help, I was able to improve my understanding and grades in Grade 10 Math. After our tutoring sessions, I would babysit their adorable little boy, Lucas. I have many fond memories of Mr Englehardt during my time at ISSH. He was a wonderful person who touched the lives of so many.

  4. I have such sweet memories of Mr. Englehardt from when he was my 8th grade teacher at Sacred Heart in Tokyo. My dad’s whole family is from Rochester, and I was born there. It was very sweet to have someone from “home”, both for him and for me. I remember he gave an example in class about “red hots”. The other students had no idea what he was talking about. I knew. Though, I prefer white hots! I am thankful for Mr. Englehardt and his choice to teach math in Japan. He was very special to me. God bless you. I am so sorry for your loss.

  5. So sorry and greatly surprised about Dale passing. I had worked with him as a client for going on 25 years and although we never met face to face we had become good personal friends. He took a genuine interest in my life, both financially and personally and respected his input in both areas. He will be greatly missed and my condolences to his family.

  6. My heart goes out to Dawn, Lucas, and Bess. Dale was an esteemed colleague during my first years at ISSH in Tokyo: Math teacher, Grade 8 Advisor, dedicated educator, and caring person. Although it was a long time ago, I have many fond memories of our Japan experience together.

  7. But by chance I came across the notice of Dale passing. Although many decades have gone by I’ve never forgotten the kind and caring person Dale was. A true gentleman. I am so sorry for your loss and my thoughts and prayers are with you Dawn and with your family.

  8. Dear Englehardt Family;

    I am so sorry Dale’s unexpected passing has sadden your hearts. Dale was a special friend to me and I will miss him dearly, as well as you.A great loss to you, as well as his friends, clients, and Gunther.


    Bruce Shaw

  9. Dawn, Lucas, and Bess (My Neighbors of the Heart) and Family,

    My heart is deeply broken for all of you and the healing tears flow for the tragic loss of Dale. Dale was a GEM who was valued for his dedication to his beautiful family, his care and kindness towards others & pets, his sense of humor, his love of nature & sports, and his loyalty to his profession. His gentle presence on this Earth shall never be forgotten and shall be deeply missed by those who were fortunate to know him. You are not alone in your grief and know the love of all of us who had the gift of Dale in our lives, will hold you up during this time. To live in hearts that love is not to die……

  10. You were a trusted colleague. Thanks for the laughs, the support and the friendship. You were a class act. A beautiful person. We will meet again someday, for a sushi set. To your family, “May the memory of Dale, always bring you blessings.”

  11. Dear Dawn, Lucas and Bess,Our hearts are broken at the loss of Dale & our thoughts are with you & the family. Dale was a wonderful friend, advisor and human. His sense of humor and caring for all who knew him showed each time we met. May God be with you in this time of need. We will miss him tremendously.

  12. Dear Dawn, Lucas, and Bess,We were shocked and saddened to hear about Dale’s unexpected passing. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.The United Church of Christ in Honeoye, which we shared, is also lifting you up in prayer.

  13. Dear Dawn, Lucas, and Bess,

    I am very sorry for your loss. Of the times I was with Dale, he always showed a positive and kind spirit. I am sure he was a kind, loving father and husband. My thoughts and prayers are with you.Jean Hull

  14. To the Family of Mr. Englehardt: The death of a loved one is very difficult to have to deal with, and even more so, unexpectedly. Although we have not met personally, events in my life helps me to understand the pain you are feeling at this time. May you find a measure of comfort in knowing of Our Creator’s promises stated at John 5:25,28,29 and Revelation 21:4,5> Until then, may your precious memories and the comfort from God, strengthen all of you through this difficult time (Philippians 4:6,7,13). My sincere condolences for the loss of your dear loved one.

  15. Our most sincere sympathy to Dale’s family. He was our trusted advisor & friend, and will be so very sadly missed.

  16. Dawn and family,
    I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Dale was a calm in the storm so many times over the past 20+ years that I knew him. I loved meeting with him just to catch up on family news! He was so proud of his children and their accomplishments. And his contentment and happiness with his life it was enviable. He was a gentleman in every sense of the word. Continuing to pray for you all.
    Barb Rieth

  17. I received news of Dale’s passing in the mail . I live in St. Thomas but originally lived in Rochester. I became acquainted with Dale through the Sondervan’s clients of his. They spoke so highly of him that I thought I would give him a try. It was the smartest thing I ever did. Dale taught me so much about finance and life. He was just a wonderful, classy guy. A person who gave you sound financial advice and much more cared about you. I started to cry in the post office for I felt like I lost a family member. I always thanked him for his help for with his advice I am retired and financially secure. He was a rare breed, he was honest and ethical . I can’t believe I will never speak to him again. I turned to him for advice for so many things because he had a calm and steady hand in everything. I considered Dale and angel in a suit. He loved his family and called his wife a renaissance women, he greatly admired her. He was a wonderful family man, so proud of his two children and their accomplishments. I feel truly fortunate to have had him in my life. There is a big empty space in my heart. I never failed to tell him that he had done so much for me he was just a great guy. His family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  18. We were shocked and devastated to hear of Dale’s passing. He was a financial guru and rock for us as well as for our two daughters and their families. With Dale’s superb counsel and advice these past 17 years, we have been able to retire with a sense of confidence and ease, and our daughters and their families are well on their way to financial security as well.

    We all considered Dale more than our financial advisor—-he was also a trusted friend. Life won’t be the same without him in our corner. Our heartfelt thanks for sharing him with us.

    Joel & Louise Novros, Michele & Steve Daley, Denise & Paul Ober

  19. My deepest sorrow to all who loved and was friends with Dale and to all his clients. Dale became friends with everyone who came to him for professional advice myself included. Since I moved from NY a year ago, I was happy to seek his advice from afar. The letter came to me today and I was expecting it to say he retired. Such a heartbreaking shock. I looked forward to our routine chats and emails and his never ending common sense, humor, and guidance. We have all been blessed to have known him. Dale will forever be missed and our lives changed. He made a difference.

  20. Dad and I are so sorry to hear about Dale. Dad has been with him for many decades. He made you feel like you were the only person in the world when you talked to him. He was so kind and understanding. He will be missed by everybody. God speed Dale on your journey home. You left a space in everybody’s heart that will never be filled.

  21. My husband, Brian, and I were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Dale. We have been clients of his and have looked to him for advice on so many different financial aspects. We looked forward to meeting with him every year in order to plan for our future and in fact, our son recently was talking to Dale about classes he should take in High school and College if he wanted to become a financial advisor. Of course, Dale took the time to talk with him because he was just that kind of person- always caring and thoughtful. We will miss him and will keep your family in our prayers.

  22. We are deeply saddened to hear of Dale’s passing. We are clients of Dale’s and had just had communication with him on September 22. He said that Gunther was growing and was a good buddy to him. We will miss Dale, he genuinely cared about people and was outstanding at his job. Your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Sue and Frank Mastowski

  23. We are very sorry to hear of Dale’s passing and we wish to offer our sympathies and prayers to his wife, Dawn, and the rest of his family. We have been clients for many years, and always relied on his careful management of our funds. Of course, we got to know each other well, too, throughout those years. He will be missed.

  24. We were so sorry to hear of Dale’s passing. Myself and my husband were clients of his through Raymond James. We have been with Dale for 23 years. We really got to know each other. Our deepest sympathy to his wife and family, our hearts go out to you. He will truly be missed. The family will be in our prayers. God Bless.

    Joe & Madaline Ruff

  25. I am deeply saddened by the news of Dale’s passing. Dale and I met while we were both working for the same bank. I had always known Dale as one of the most caring and ethical people one could ever meet. I wish his family all the best during this most difficult of times. He will be a great loss to the investment community.

  26. Dear Dawn, Lucas and Bess
    So very sorry to hear of Dale’s passing. My parents, Mary and Frank Adamson knew all of you in Groveland and loved you all so much. They trusted Dale with all their finances and with “just life.” That Dale was so down to earth, kind, compassionate and personable flowed from him at each appointment and phone call. He’d always ask about my daughters and grand kids. Matter of fact, last year, he helped with college planning. One of Dale’s favorite stories of my dad is very fitting as I heard this sad news and am writing. I can hear Dale say, “Nice rain today, Lynne. Your dad(Frank) would be saying, “Dale, those tile ditches are runnign today!” Inside joke that farmers would tell.Thank you for being such ‘family’ to my parents. My kids and I will always treasure that.
    Lynne Adamson Stewart

  27. What a shock to learn today of Dale’s untimely passing. I have been a client for 17 years — since AG Edwards days — and we were in touch just days ago. He had also become a true friend of me and my family members. I’ve known of the progress of Lucas and Bess through high school, college, and beyond. We shared rounds of golf. It is like I have lost a brother. My sincere condolences to the family including his Dad of whom I knew at Kodak.

  28. Dear Dawn, Lucas and Bess,

    I was deeply shocked and saddened to hear of Dale’s passing today. I considered him a valued friend as well as a trusted financial advisor. Dale and I first became acquainted when he worked for the Rochester Community Savings Bank brokerage services, I was the Branch Manager at West Main Street. My wife Michele and I wish to convey our deepest sympathy to all of you over this unexpected and devastating loss. You are and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  29. I am saddened to hear of Dale’s passing. I was a client of Dale’s but also a friend. We often spent as much time talking about his family, China, and sports than we did about business. I often saw him at the Section V Basketball Tournament and Rochester KnightHawk Lacrosse events. He was super professional and I was lucky enough to meet him one day at a seminar many years ago. God Bless. John Bolles

  30. Dawn, I am so sorry to hear this news and very shocked. Dale was so helpful to me at the time of my husband passing In July and has been a great friend to both of us for the last 18 years. May God be with you at this time of your sorrow. My heart truly goes out to you and your family. He will be missed.Pat Coykendall

  31. Bess and family,

    I am so very sorry to hear of the loss of your father/husband. May your happy memories help you through this time of sorrow. Much love from afar.


  32. I was so sad and sorry to hear the news of Dale’s passing. Dale and I started with AG Edwards a few years apart. He was such a gentle and sincere person and I was immediately comfortable with him. I knew him to be extremely knowledgeable and ethical – he was one of the people I asked my wife to speak to about our finances if anything were to happen to me. Dawn, Lucas, Bess, other family and all of Dale’s friends – you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you will call on me if I can help in any way. Wishing you peace.

  33. My deepest sympathy to you Dawn and your family. May God Bless you all. Sandra Webster(Mother in law of Victoria Flugel)

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