Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral

Jamie Leigh Brizzee – January 4, 2013


Livonia: January 4, 2013 at her home at age 30 years. She is survived by her parents Jack and Narda Brizzee of Livonia, brothers; Michael Brizzee of Buffalo and Corey Brizzee of Rochester, Grandfather Jack O. Brizzee of Canisteo, Aunts & Uncles, Cousins, and dear friends. Jamie was predeceased by great grandmother Elanor Brizzee, grandmother Rosalie Brizzee, grandfather Fred Mitchell, and grandmother Vera Mitchell. Jamie fought Cystic Fibrosis throughout her whole life. Her life motto was ‘live, love, laugh.’ Please help others as she loved helping others with health problems by becoming an organ donor and donate blood. Thanks to the teenager who was able to give Jamie a second life with a double lung transplant on April 3rd & 4th 2007! Loving thanks to all the doctors, nurses, and health-care providers who took excellent care of Jamie throughout her life. A special thanks to Ann McMullen NP and Rob Horowitz M.D. for all their exceptional care for Jamie.

In her early years as a child/teenager, Jamie was a Girl Scout advocate as she participated in every event and fundraiser held. She grew up swimming and playing softball in the summer. Most of Jamie’s favorite hobbies were outdoors whether it was hiking through her favorite state park, Stonybrook, or simply watching the chickadees on the birdfeeders. Jamie absolutely loved the summer; she was always out in the garden trying to help her mother with planting flowers or huge grape tomato plants. Jamie would go fishing from sunrise to sunset with only her fishing pole and a bucket of worms (she refused to use anything other than worms). When Jamie wasn’t laughing or smiling, she was probably complaining about the cold winter. Although she hated the winter, Jamie made the most out of it by keeping herself busy with arts & crafts. Jamie’s favorite indoor activities were knitting, cross-stitch, and anything that was considered a craft. When she wasn’t sewing or making puzzles, Jamie was reading Nicholas Sparks books or watching her favorite TV show ‘Everybody Loves Raymond.’ Jamie watched every episode of that TV show probably 50+ times and knew every saying. Jamie is now free to enjoy the things she loved with no restrictions.

Jamie was very family-oriented, she loved her brothers unconditionally, but Jamie and mom were like “peas and carrots (Forrest Gump reference).” Jamie was her mother’s rock and will always be remembered dearly. She would not want people to grieve for her, as she never grieved for herself. Jamie went throughout life with a sense of humor and always an insert-twist-pull kind of attitude. She will always be in our hearts and will surely be missed.

Friends may call Friday, January 11, 2013, from 5-8pm at the Kevin W. Dougherty Funeral Home Inc., 21 Big Tree Street, Rte 15 & 20A, Livonia. Services will be held at the funeral home on Saturday at 10:30am followed by burial at Union Cemetery, Livonia, NY. Memorial Contributions may be made to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation – Rochester Chapter, PO Box 368, Pittsford, NY 14534. To send a condolence and for further information please visit:


22 thoughts on “ Jamie Leigh Brizzee – January 4, 2013

  1. Dear Narda and Famiy,

    I just learned of Jamie’s passing. My deepest sympathy to you all. She will always be a beautiful, bright star. Narda, My heart aches for you after all the trials and tribulations you have survived with your daughter. May God bless you for never giving up the fight.


  2. Dear Brizzee Family,

    We will always remember Jamie for her lovely smile and how kind she was. Just recently when scrapbooking I (Donna) found a little picture she had painted for me to cheer me up after I had undergone surgery over 4 years ago. I felt happiness finding it then and always will whenever I look at it. We are sure she has touched more lives than you will ever know. She has been in my nightly prayers since January 4th but you are right – she would not want us to grieve for her. She was so kind and gentle.

    The Drews Family

  3. Dear Jamie,

    It has been truly an honor getting to know you the last four years. The thing I love MOST about your younger brother is that he adores his family. After getting to know you and the rest of your family, I can certainly see why. Although you said you were dealt the bad cards in life, never did I hear an ill utterance. That is something you do not find easily in this world. You were always thinking of everyone before yourself. I have never seen a big sister love her younger brothers more than you did. I don’t know if you knew this but every time I felt that life was hard, I would think of you. You had enough strength to pass around for all of us. You cherished the little things in life, which in the end is all that really maters. Thank you, Jamie, for all the birthday and Christmas cards, the cute Halloween goodie bags, the sponge bob merchandise, hand me downs ( more like hand me ups cuz your so much smaller than me lol), making me laugh with your colorful life statements, and most importantly, thank you for being such a wonderful person and allowing me to be a part of your life.

    Love, Brittany

  4. To my Dearest Sister,Throughout my whole life, you would always say that your brothers were “the lucky ones.” Well truth be-told Jamie, Michael and I were only lucky because we had the privilege of having the greatest sister around. I always thought of you as not only my sister but my inspiration, my hero, and my motivation. I know life is not fair Jamie but I’m glad that you fought for so long and smiled while doing so. A person’s beauty isn’t all based on their looks but who they really are inside and that’s why you were truly so beautiful. I wrote you a poem the other night as I couldn’t sleep for some strange reason lol. I would love to share it with you.

    Time goes by so fast,
    Before you know it, the life you’re living is in the past.
    Events become memories each and every day,
    for which fill our sorrow and grief with laughter and play.
    Anger hides the sadness in our soul,
    just as humor hides that your body and mind have taken a toll.
    Your heart was as strong as a child,
    now you can be free and run wild.
    Even though your body is laid to rest,
    I know you are somewhere loving what’s in the forest.
    Watching the cardinal, blue jay, and chickadee,
    like you’re watching Mom, Dad, Michael, and me.
    Thankfulness is my only emotion right now as I lay in bed,
    thinking to myself things I could have done or said.
    I guess I’m just glad you are in a better place,
    combing your thick blonde hair and putting make-up on your face.
    As tears continuously run down my cheek,
    I love you and you are my “lil sneak.”

    You will always be in my heart Jamie Leigh and I don’t know what life brings you next but I’m sure that it will be fantastic. Say hello to Tabby,Grandma, and Grandpa for me.
    Always and forever,
    Corey Owen

  5. Dear Narda, Jack, Mike and Corey:I was so saddened to hear of Jamie’s passing. The last time I saw Jamie was about a year after her transplant and she looked fabulous! I remember Jamie had a very sweet and gentle disposition. But I also realized that one needed to pay attention because Jamie had a zinger of a sense and humor and if you weren’t paying attention, you’d miss it! When I had Jamie in health class she sat in the front and I could tell she listened intently and was interested in learning about health. Jamie always seemed to have a smile on her face and that’s always a bright spot in a teacher’s day: to know that there is always a student to count on that will be positive and happy…no matter what. I enjoyed the many conversations I had with Jamie, especially when I would see her at Wegmans, and I also got to know of her health condition. I say she is courageous because she endured many hospital stays and still could smile at others. I am blessed to have known Jamie. Students come and go in a teacher’s life, but there are those students that one can never forget, and Jamie is one of them.

  6. Jack and Narda,I am so sorry for your loss. Jamie truly is a sweet girl and was never one to give up. She was a hard-working student and had a fairly sophisticated sense of humor as a sixth grader (her unique and delightful personality always would shine through though she was quiet at most times). May God lend you His Strength and Peace that only He can give you at this time. -Duane Waldron

  7. Mike, Narda, Michael & Corey,
    We are so sorry for your loss. Jamie was so special to all of us. Her bright smile and contageous laughter could light up a room! She held a special place in so many of our hearts. She had strength that most of us could only dream of. We will cherish the memories of her kind spirit and sweet personality. She will be greatly missed!!We love you,
    Derrick, Donna, Kaden and Landon Mitchell

  8. Dear Corey and family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. In memory of Jamie we have made a donation to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Rochester. We will be here for you.Sincerely,
    All the members of the Johnson Lab

  9. Narda and family So many memories are racing through my mind from Little Lambs Nursery School all through the years (especially girl scout cookie time). She always smiled no matter what and no one could not smile back at her (gee wonder where she got that from mom). She was a blessing to all those who knew her, I know I am a better person because of her. Your angel in the sky girl – free and whole – God Bless you Jamie

  10. Dear Narda, I’m so very sorry to hear of the passing of your sweetheart Jamie. I can’t imagine how much your heart is acheing. Jamie went through so much in her short life, and was so strong. I’m not expressing myself very well I know. I truely am heartbroken for all of you. Please know that you are all in my prayers and thoughts through this difficult time.Sincerely, Norma Fuller

  11. Narda and family,
    I am so sad to hear that your beautiful girl Jamie has passed away. When you were at the Intermediate school you always spoke so highly of your daughter and she will surely be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.Love,
    Carolyn Sciandra

  12. Jamie,
    I can’t believe your gone….we were just texting Thursday night and Friday you were gone.What I will remember most was how thoughtful you were,always bringing Courtney things and playing Candy land with her.Always thinking of others while you going through so much.
    Your heart was just to big for this world little one. Courtney and I will go feed the fish in Powdermill Park for you.
    We will NEVER forget you…..All our Love….
    Jeff & Courtney

  13. Jamie,

    Meow, I wanted to let you know this is hard to do without thumbs. Anyways, I will miss the early morning feedings and conversations we’ve had at 3 am. I’ll also miss the great treats and toys you got me over the yrs. Did I already mention how hard this is without thumbs? I don’t know how to scroll up. You’ve said I’m “Bad to the bone” but I’ve never understood what you meant. Now I’ll have to find someone else to feed me and wipe me with kitty wipes.

    Thamks for sneaking me all the pepperoni and cheese (it seemed everything you liked I liked too!).

    Love always and say hello to Tabby for me.

    Oreo AKA Baboone

  14. Jamie,

    MEOW, this is hard to type with no thumbs. Anyways I’ll miss the early morning feedings at 3 AM and all the good times we spoke to each other. I wanted to cuddle and smoochie you all the time and you would say I’m “Bad to the bone” whatever that means. Did I already tell you how hard this is to type? I’m not sure if I have because I don’t know how to scroll up. Thanks for all the kitty treats and toys you gave me over the years, love you always; now I have to get someone else to feed me and clean me with kitty wipes!

    Say hi to Tabby for me, Love Oreo AKA Baboone

  15. Dearest Narda, Michael, Corey and Dad – so sad to hear of Jamie’s passing. Though we always knew life was a series of struggles for Jamie, she was a ray of sunshine and hope. Life will never be the same without her, but what memories she left to comfort you! My symphathies to you, Narda for the loss of your sweet buddy. Hopefully, time and your great boys will help heal your broken heart – what a wonderful gift Jamie was – taken all too soon……… My best to all of you…Judy salter

  16. Sis,

    How can I even begin to put how I (we) feel into words. Throughout my life myself and your family and friends were close to your side while you went thru unspeakable health problems and yet you managed to put a smile on your face. You will always be the rock of my world and I will always cherish the times I had with you. You are a much stronger person then I am and you’re half of my weight. Live, Love, Laugh! I will continue to do this as you have always been able to. When I need a “pick me up” I just think about you and your laugh and then I’m able to feel better.

    I would buy you anything you wanted, took you anyware you wanted to go, but truth be told non-of that mattered as for both of us were just happy to be with each other.

    Love you always Sis, now you can eat and do whatever you want with no restrictions and yes, I’ll renew you’re breakfast order for you – EGGS!

    Bro AKA Beaver

  17. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. May your memories of Jamie make you smile.

  18. We are saddened by the news of your loss. May the fondest of memories comfort you during this difficult time.

  19. Dear Narda,

    I am so very sorry for the loss of your daughter. You always smiled when you spoke of her. You’re an awesome mom. Take care… God’s Blessings to you and your family.


  20. Dearest Jamie, You were the Apple of Moms eye. You were her world. We are speechless. You will be sadly missed by all. You were a Beautiful, happy girl with everything you had went thru. You’re in God’s hands now to be the Angel you always were. Love to you and your Family.

  21. Dearest Jamie,
    I was at church today and it was announced that you are gone. I am so sorry to hear that, but I am sure you went to heaven and that you are healed and hurting no more.
    You were my Girl Scout who sold and delivered the cookies every year. I sure missed them when you grew up and did not do that any more.
    I saw you and your family at the New York State Fair last August and you looked so cute.
    I will always remember you and I am signed up as an organ doner.
    Love you.

  22. Jamie honey we will surely miss you. You were everything to us.
    A bright sunny smile on your face whenever you and mom looked
    at each other. The love between you and mom. The way you laughed and giggled was a real treat for us. It was so nice to see you with a smile after all the pain. The little boob and big boob jokes between you and mom were so funny. All the great times camping, swimming in the pool and all the walks in the park.
    Jamie maybe very small,short and looked very young but her heart was very big. She would do anything for us. Especially her brothers Micheal and Corey. Jamie did alot of things to make us laugh. Winter time was not her favorite time of year becuase of the cold. She enjoyed doing puzzles,cross stitching,playing games on her cell phone and just keeping warm with her cat (Oreo). I could be here all night and day talking about our beloved Jamie. We love you Jamie. We will continue doing all the things you loved to do like helping others and spreading the word about organ donating.
    In your honor and memories.

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